Pieces of Interest from COMP for the week of February 7th – Heart-healthy Adults Have Healthier Brains on MRI Scans/Chief Examiner Report/COMP Resident Seminar Series/AAPM Award Recipients


Pieces of Interest from COMP for the week of February 7th – Heart-healthy Adults Have Healthier Brains on MRI Scans/Chief Examiner Report/COMP Resident Seminar Series/AAPM Award Recipients

Published on:

  • Brain MRI shows that adults between the ages of 40 and 69 with healthy cardiovascular systems also have healthier brains, according to research to be presented at the upcoming American Stroke Association's International Stroke Conference.
  • Read the latest Chief Examiner Report in the January issues of InterACTIONS.
  • The COMP Residency Committee is excited to present the eleventh session of the Medical Physics Resident Seminar Series, which will be a talk  by  Dr. Reid Townsen.   This session will occur on Wednesday, February 09, 2022 at 4:00 PM EST and will be open to all Medical Physics residents across Canada, as well as all COMP resident and graduate student members.
  • Congratulations to the COMP members and Canadian recipients of AAPM Awards!


Published on February 7, 2022

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