Pieces of Interest from COMP for the Week of October 2 – InterACTIONS Feature/High-dose Radiation Offers New Treatment Option for Older Patients with Inoperable Kidney Tumors/CNSC Innovation Grant


Pieces of Interest from COMP for the Week of October 2 – InterACTIONS Feature/High-dose Radiation Offers New Treatment Option for Older Patients with Inoperable Kidney Tumors/CNSC Innovation Grant

Published on:

  • A ‘Good Catch Near Misses’ Program – Is It the Solution to Prevent Serious Injuries in Cancer Centres?
  • Older adults diagnosed with kidney tumors that are not suitable for surgery may benefit from targeted, high-dose radiation, a new study from Australian and Dutch researchers suggests.
  • COMP has an agreement with the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) to fund one or more Innovation Grants to enhance the safe use of ionizing radiation in medicine. The Grant supports the creation of innovative tools that address radiation safety and security issues. Read more, including how to apply, here.

Published on October 2, 2023

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