Vision, Mission & Goals

COMP Vision, Mission & Goals


Medical Physics excellence in patient care, education, innovation and research


Advancing Medical Physics for human health in Canada by:

  • Championing safe practice
  • Advocating for equitable access and excellence in patient care
  • Providing education initiatives
  • Promoting innovation
  • Collaborating with strategic partners
  • Promoting equity and inclusion

Strategic Priorities:

The effective pursuit of COMP’s mission will be focused on five Key Result Areas (KRA):

 Strategic Priority 1: Networking and Member Engagement
COMP will foster engagement and collaboration among members to ensure programming is inclusive and meets member needs. 

Strategic Priority 2: Knowledge Acquisition and Dissemination
COMP will enhance opportunities for members to learn from each other and to share knowledge and innovations across the country.

Strategic Priority 3: Advocacy and Representation
COMP will represent its members and advocate for them to drive forward innovative practices in medical physics and the profession

 Strategic Priority 4: Strategic Partnerships
COMP will cultivate dynamic relationships across sectors to amplify the impact of Medical Physics and advance shared goals.