COMP Jerry Battista Award

COMP Jerry Battista Award

The Jerry Battista Award aims to encourage Canadian physics associates/assistants to engage with the larger medical physics community by facilitating the attendance of a Physics Associate at the Canadian Organization of Medical Physicists' (COMP) Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM).

This award, in the amount of the registration fee for the COMP ASM, may be awarded annually to a physics associate (assistant, or technologist) who:

  • Is actively employed at a Canadian cancer center and is not currently a medical physics student at any university in Canada, a Physics Resident, or Physicist. 
  • Has the consent of their manager or department head to attend the ASM.
  • Is a registered member of COMP in good standing.
  • Submits reasonable evidence of adequate funding to cover other travel expenses including transportation and accommodations as the award explicitly does not cover these. The awards committee reserves the right to withdraw the award should the recipient be unable to attend the COMP ASM due to lack of travel funding.
  • Has submitted an abstract(s) to the ASM or who is listed as an author in any abstracts so submitted

Application Requirements

Using the online application process, the following are required.

1. A brief letter from the applicant indicating their eligibility for the award according to the above criteria. The letter will include:

a. the applicant’s name, address telephone number,
b. the name and address of the applicant’s place of employment,
c. the name and phone number of the applicant’s manager/department head along with indication:

(1) of manager support to attend the COMP ASM, and
(2) that manager has been requested to fill out and submit the required form (Jerry Battista Award – Supervisor Form) and will be submitting the form to 

d. the title of any abstract(s) submitted to the COMP ASM by the applicant or abstract(s) submitted that list the applicant as co-author.

2. A copy of any abstract(s) submitted by the applicant to the COMP ASM, or any abstracts submitted for which the applicant is a co-author.

3. A form (Jerry Battista Award – Supervisor Form ) completed by the applicant’s manager or department head and forwarded directly to the COMP office at 

Application Evaluation

The awards committee will evaluate all applications, and decide the winner of the award based on the following criteria:

  1. Preference will be given to applicants that have never been a recipient of this award
  2. Results of abstract review. This includes the abstract score as given by the reviewer average in the abstract submission system and if reviewers indicated this abstract worthy of a prize.
  3. Preference will be given to applicants that have limited access to conferences as judged by the number of conferences the applicant has attended in the past.
  4. Applicant quality as determined from the rating provided by their supervisor. 
  5. The committee may also refer to the comments written by the supervisor if the three criteria above do not yield a clear winner. The comments would not otherwise be used in judging the award.


Award winners will receive full ASM registration and a framed certificate in-person at the Annual Scientific Meeting

2024 COMP Jerry Battista Award Recipient

Join us in congratulating the 2024 COMP Jerry Battista Award Recipient:

Venketesh Ranganthan