Medical Physicist (Temporary 1 year) - BC Cancer

Medical Physicist (Temporary 1 year) - BC Cancer

Information Package

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Salary: $170,841 – $256,262

Under the leadership of the Regional Medical Physics Leader, the Medical Physicist provides specialized skills to support the technical requirements of planning and treatment of Radiation Therapy patients. Medical Physicists participate in research and teaching programs at BC Cancer and affiliated universities in British Columbia supporting CAMPEP accredited medical physics graduate studies and residency training programs. With an exciting array of new, state-of-the art RT treatment and imaging technology, we are looking for highly motivated individuals to join our team.

An aptitude for and previous experience in advanced treatment planning and commissioning of complex radiotherapy systems are strong assets for this competition. Vancouver has 9 linacs providing SRS, advanced motion management and tracked beam delivery, adaptive RT with 2 Ethos units, full service brachytherapy, MR simulation and currently preparing for MR linac.

What you’ll do

• Provide direct support of patient treatment including external beam, brachytherapy and other specialized radiation techniques, by ensuring accuracy of the predicted dose and for the calculated treatment parameters to deliver the prescribed radiotherapy dose to the identified anatomical volume.
• Consult with Radiation Oncologists, other Physicians and Radiation Therapists regarding treatment strategies.
• Develop and administer the technical aspects of the radiation oncology quality assurance program, by measuring, verifying and evaluating all equipment used in the support of radiotherapy.
• Arrange for corrective actions and trouble-shooting of difficult or unusual system problems.
• Ensure radiation safety procedures are followed and participate in monitoring of radiation levels, radiation facility design, control of radioactive source inventory, assessment of any radiation incidents, and assurance that all aspects of license compliance are met.
• Provide training in radiation safety to all appropriate staff.
• Research, develop, and implement new clinical devices, techniques, and concepts, and ensure seamless transfer into the radiotherapy program by collaborating with Radiation Oncologists and other professionals.
• Develop policies and procedures and provide training to staff accordingly
• Responsible to remain current in all radiotherapy equipment and new technologies, and ensure that both meet the needs of the program.
• Participate in assessment of equipment at time of acquisition or upgrade, as well as decommissioning old equipment and commissioning of new equipment for clinical use.
• Responsible for decisions related to fitness of equipment to be used for radiation therapy patients following commissioning, repair or service and other adjustments. This requires the Medical Physicist to provide work direction to Radiotherapy Service Technologists, Physics Assistants and Tool and Die Makers as well as external service personnel.
• Responsible for teaching Medical Physics and related subjects to students and staff at BC Cancer and other institutions, including delivering a continuing education program to other members of the health care team. Additionally, responsible to maintain personal education to ensure a current and up-to-date level of expertise.

Job Type: Temporary, Full-Time
Salary Range: $170,841– $256,262/Year
Location: 600 West 10th Avenue, Vancouver BC, V5Z 4E6
Hours of Work: Monday- Friday; 0730-1530, 0800-1600, 0900-1700, 1000-1800, 1200-2000


Contact Dr. Alanah Bergman, Ph.D, FCCPM, Acting Regional Medical Physics Leader, BC Cancer - Vancouver

How do I Apply?

Qualified applicants should submit a cover letter, detailed curriculum vitae including names of 3 references to
Please include Application for Medical Physicist - BC Cancer Vancouver in the subject line.

Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.

Medical Physicist (Temporary 1 year) - BC Cancer
BC Cancer - Provincial Health Services Authority

BC Cancer is a comprehensive cancer control program that leads the provincial planning and regional delivery of cancer care for the people in British Columbia. BC Cancer’s mandate covers the full spectrum of cancer care from prevention, screening, diagnosis and treatment, to research and education, to supportive and palliative care.