Advertise with Us

InterACTIONS Advertising

The voice of the Canadian Organization of Medical Physicists (COMP) and the Canadian College of Physicists in Medicine (CCPM), InterACTIONS is a quarterly newsletter with a readership of over 800 members across Canada and around the world. Content includes reports from the COMP and CCPM Presidents, updates on COMP committee activities, job advertisements as well as articles on research innovations and technical advances within the area of medical physics.  

The digital format allows advertisers to InterACT with readers. You can now: 

  • Embed links to products, social media profiles and services within the advertisement 
  • Share InterACTIONS with current and potential clients to expand the reach of your advertising dollars 

Affiliate Members – Corporate can take advantage of a 50% discount on advertising rates for annual or issue ad space and also have the opportunity to write an article to include in an issue. Learn more about Affiliate Membership.

Advertising rates for 2025 are provided below. 

To purchase advertising space for 2025, please complete and submit the advertising agreement form below. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to our Member and Education Coordinator.

InterACTIONS Advertising Agreement

InterACTIONS is the quarterly newsletter of the Canadian Organization of Medical Physicists (COMP) and the Canadian College of Physicists in Medicine (CCPM).

With a readership of over 800 members across Canada and around the world, InterACTIONS is an excellent way to advertise medical physics related products and services.  Our digital only format allows advertisers to create interactive advertisements with links to product information, social media profiles and more.


Media Buy Per Issue Annual
Affiliate Member –Industry (50% off) Non-Member Affiliate Member – Industry (50% off) Non-Member
Full Page –
Outside Back cover
$385.00 $770.00 $920.00 $1,845.00
Full Page –
Inside Front or
Back cover
$385.00 $770.00 $920.00 $1,845.00
Full Page $335.00 $665.00 $820.00 $1,640.00
Half Page $180.00 $360.00 $410.00 $820.00




Artwork must be submitted in one of the following electronic formats: EPS, Tiff (300 dpi), High resolution PDF files, Quark XPress, InDesign and Illustrator for Mac. Links to associated external webpages must be provided and will be embedded by COMP.


Publication of any advertisement is subject to the approval of COMP and CCPM.


Space reservations and materials must be made no later than the 1st day of the month preceding publication. Cancellations are not accepted after material is received.


An invoice will be sent by COMP upon receipt of this agreement. Full payment is due within 30 days of invoice. Interest is charged at 2% per month on overdue accounts.


To signal your agreement with the advertisement terms, please indicate the media buy you wish to make and return completed agreement to COMP. Buy is subject to availability.


For inquiries or to submit your agreement, payment or quarterly artwork:

Ali Forgie –
Membership and Education Coordinator
Canadian Organization of Medical Physicists

Advertising Agreement

Selection is not guaranteed and is subject to availability. Confirmation will be provided by the COMP Office.
Selection is not guaranteed and is subject to availability. Confirmation will be provided by the COMP Office.