2024 Program with Abstracts

Young Professionals Workshop - Lombardy

June 5, 2024 from 9:00am CST to 12:00pm CST

Experts in the medical physics field will share their insight on the emerging roles in medical physics. Following the YPW talks, attendees will engage in discussion sessions to address challenges collaboratively, sharing their perspectives with the speakers. Attendees have the opportunity to win enticing prizes through a raffle draw!

Workshop Schedule: Wednesday, June 5th

9:30am - 9:34am

COMP SC Opening Remarks

9:35am - 9:40am

Session Overview
Moderators: Prarthana, Eva and Daniel

9:40am - 10:05am

Title: Government research - at the edges of Medical Physics

Dr. Malcolm McEwen - Principal Research officer at National Research Council
Dr. Islam El Ghamal - Medical Physics Resident at Nova Scotia Health Authority

*talk followed by a discussion question for the audience to work on.

10:05am - 10:30am