IUPAP Early Career Scientist Prize in Medical Physics


IUPAP Early Career Scientist Prize in Medical Physics

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The IOMP has opened nominations for the IUPAP sponsored Early Career Scientist Prize in Medical Physics. Nominations must be forwarded via COMP and not directly to the IOMP. If you are interested in nominating someone for this award, here are the criteria and the procedure to get the nomination to COMP.

 The Award:

The Award will include a cash prize of 1000 Euro, an IUPAP medal[1] and the IOMP certificate. In addition, a short biography of the Awardee will be published in Medical Physics World.

 Award Criteria:

  • The recipient of the award should have a maximum of 8 years research experiences (not including maternity leave) following PhD on 1 January 2022.
  • The recipient should have performed original and/or applied work of outstanding scientific quality and contributed internationally in medical physics.
  • The committee may consider the achievements in the context of opportunity.
  • The award may only be received one time by any individual.
  • Nominee shall not be a current member of the IOMP Awards & Honors Committee or the IOMP Executive Committee.

COMP Nomination Procedure:

All nominations should include the following documents (in PDF):

  • A filled/completed nomination form available from the IOMP website. (Label the file as 01_LastName_FirstName_nomination form).
  • A letter of not more than 1,000 words evaluating nominee’s achievements and identifying the specific work to be recognized. (Label the file as 02_LastName_FirstName_achievement).
  • A curriculum vita including all publications. (Label the file as 03_LastName_FirstName_CV).
  • A brief biographical sketch (500 words). (Label the file as 04_LastName_FirstName_biography).

Please send nominations to Wayne Beckham, Chair of COMP Awards and Nominations Committee at wbeckham@bccancer.bc.ca

 Application Deadline:

Tuesday, April 18th, 2023 – This allows time to forward nominations to IOMP to meet their deadline.

Published on April 17, 2023

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