Pieces of Interest from COMP for the Week of April 10 – JSM COMP Keynote Speaker/Women in Physics Canada Conference/IOMP Post Design Contest


Pieces of Interest from COMP for the Week of April 10 – JSM COMP Keynote Speaker/Women in Physics Canada Conference/IOMP Post Design Contest

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  • Meet the CARO-COMP JSM  Keynote Speaker - September 20! Dr. Uwe Oelfke from The Institute of Cancer Research, London and The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust will be talking about his work in MR-guided radiotherapy and adaptive radiotherapy, and the value of interprofessional collaboration. Registration opens next month!
  • Registration and abstract submission are now open for the 2023 Women in Physics Canada Conference (WIPC2023) taking place at the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg during July 4-7 (2023).

    WIPC is aimed at increasing the representation of women and under-represented groups in Physics (and STEM more generally). The meeting will be open to students (undergraduate and graduate students), postdocs, researchers/educators in Physics and Astronomy, and anyone interested in Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) in STEM from across the country and internationally. 
  • IOMP is looking for a creative poster design for the International Day of Medical Physics (IDMP 2023). The theme of this year's IDMP is: “IOMP's 60th Anniversary: Standing on the Shoulders of Giants''.  This is to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee of IOMP.   The best design that receives the highest voting score from the IOMP ExCom will be adopted by IOMP and the winner will be announced and get acknowledged.

Published on April 10, 2023

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