Pieces of Interest from COMP for the week of March 11 – March 12 Resident Seminar Series/InterACTIONS Article/ASM Abstract Deadline Extended!


Pieces of Interest from COMP for the week of March 11 – March 12 Resident Seminar Series/InterACTIONS Article/ASM Abstract Deadline Extended!

Published on:

  • The COMP Residency Committee is excited to present the 26th Session of the Medical Physics Resident Seminar Series, on Tuesday, March 12th, 2024, at 12:00 PM EST which will include one presentation: “Efficiently Navigating the Medical Physicist Job Search: Key Insights into the Recruitment Process” by Dr. Stephen Breen, MCCPM. The presentation will take approximately 30 min. and will be followed by Q&A.

Zoom Meeting Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/3018465884?pwd=M3BWYVJkSENaQWg4YVN0QTQ2V0lhZz09&omn=87590965672 
Zoom Meeting ID:  301 846 5884
Password: resident
Any questions or comments can be directed to the COMP resident representative: Swapanpreet Kaur- skaur129@cancercare.mb.ca  

  • Read Sarah Aubert’s article: Better Together: Embracing Sexual Orientation and Gener Diversity in Radiation Oncology, Radiation Therapy, Medical Physics, and Allied Health, in the latest issue of InterACTIONS.

  • Thought you missed the COMP ASM abstract deadline? Not to worry, you still have time! The deadline has been extended to March 13th! Submit your abstracts here.

Published on March 11, 2024

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