Pieces of Interest from COMP for the week of May 27, 2024 – LAST WEEK to Register for the COMP ASM/Treatment Method to Precisely Target Tumor Cells/CNSC Lifecycle License


Pieces of Interest from COMP for the week of May 27, 2024 – LAST WEEK to Register for the COMP ASM/Treatment Method to Precisely Target Tumor Cells/CNSC Lifecycle License

Published on:

  • LAST WEEK to register for the COMP ASM! Don’t miss the chance to foster collaborative relationships and to share and embrace new knowledge!
  • Chinese scientists have developed a treatment method that precisely targets tumor cells while sparing healthy tissue in a form of radiation therapy that could bring new hope to late-stage cancer patients.
  • Read how to make the CNSC Lifecyle Licence simpler in the latest issue of InterACTIONS.

Published on May 27, 2024

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