Pieces of Interest from COMP for the Week of May 9 – NRC Nominations to the International Science Council/Message from the InterACTIONS Editor/ Colorectal Cancer Community Conference


Pieces of Interest from COMP for the Week of May 9 – NRC Nominations to the International Science Council/Message from the InterACTIONS Editor/ Colorectal Cancer Community Conference

Published on:

  • The National Research Council is seeking help to identify Canadians to nominate to the International Science Council (ISC)’s standing committees:
  • Committee for Science Planning 
  • Committee for Outreach and Engagement
  • Committee for Freedom and Responsibility in Science 
  • Committee for Finance

As Canada’s national ISC member, the NRC would like to propose one person to be considered for each committee (four total). They would be grateful for your assistance in identifying excellent candidates to ensure Canadian representation. The ISC Governing Board will appoint the committee members on the basis of the nominations from members to ensure maximum effectiveness while striving for diversity with respect to discipline, region, gender and other categories.

Representation from the world of policy, business and civil society is encouraged. The main criteria are relevant expertise, experience and interest, as well as the ability to dedicate significant time to the role. This entails attendance at meetings of the committees (once per year in person and approximately three times per year remotely) as well as active engagement in pursuing committee responsibilities. The committees will be supported by the ISC Secretariat. The mandate of each committee will be three years, starting on 1 July 2022. You can find further information here.

Please forward nominations to Geoffroy Lambrecht (Geoffroy.Lambrecht@nrc-cnrc.gc.ca) by Monday, May 16 at the latest.

  • Read the Message from the Editor in the April 2022 issue of InterACTIONS.
  • Colorectal Cancer Canada is hosting the 2nd Colorectal Cancer Community Conference on May 17th & 18th from 12:00 to 5:00 pm (EST).

This free virtual conference will bring together the nation’s colorectal cancer community in patients who are undergoing or have completed treatment, caregivers, family members, and health professionals engaged in the colorectal cancer community. Find out more and register here.

Published on May 9, 2022

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