Submit here - Oral and Poster Abstracts

Oral and Poster Abstract - Call for Abstracts
Abstract submissions are closed for 2025.

COMP Annual Scientific Meeting 2025 
June 4 – 7, 2025 | London, Ontario

Oral and poster presentations are an integral component of COMP Annual Scientific Meetings. Below you will find information to help support your submission. You are encouraged to review the criteria in advance.

Abstract Submission Criteria

Abstracts must be original work not previously presented or submitted to any other conference or published in a journal.

Abstract Categories: big data and analytics, brachytherapy, imaging in radiation therapy, medical imaging, quality and safety, radiation dosimetry, radiation therapy special techniques, radiation treatment planning, medical physics education and professional topics in medical physics.

Abstract – Short Version (word limit: 250)
Short abstracts, which will be published in Medical Physics, should concisely convey key points under the headings of Purpose, Methods, Results, and Conclusions. To enable blind review, do not list any author names, institutions in the space provided

Abstract – Long Abstract (word limit: 750)
Additional supplementary information in the form of a long abstract is highly recommended for all general submissions.  Long abstracts are not published or disseminated in any way but rather provide the reviewer with a deeper understanding of the work and may include up to 3 figures and/or tables. The long abstract should include the following section headings: Innovation/Impact, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussions, Conclusions, References. Under Innovation/Impact, succinctly provide a statement (one or two sentences) of the work’s innovation/impact. Graphs, images, or multimedia elements are uploaded at the end of the submission.  


Author Verification Agreement (required)
The corresponding author must agree to the following "Author Verification Agreement" statement button in the submission process.

By checking the box, you verify that each author to be listed on the submitted abstract has contributed to the content of the abstract and consented to the submission of the said abstract.

Conflict of Interest (required)
Any financial relationship with sponsoring companies or organizations about whose product or services that the Author(s) are reporting must be disclosed.  If such a financial arrangement exists, a disclosure statement must be entered in the space provided after you check the box.

This policy should not discourage such support.  It is meant to allow members of the audience to form their own judgments about the presentation with the full disclosure of the facts.

Distribution Agreement (required)
The corresponding author must agree to the "Distribution Agreement" button in the submission process.

By checking the box, you verify that each author listed on the submitted abstract has agreed to permit the distribution of the short abstract at the COMP ASM, via the COMP website and through any publication resulting from the ASM. Additionally, if your abstract is accepted for an oral presentation, you consent to the video recording of your presentation (speaker and slides) for inclusion in COMP’s virtual library on the website and accessible for educational purposes.

Under this constraint, you also verify that all contributing authors will obtain or have obtained permission for the use of any copyrighted materials that may be presented at the COMP ASM for educational purposes from the appropriate copyright owner(s) and publisher(s).

Status, Withdrawal and Review Process 

You will be sent a confirmation e-mail that your abstract has been received.  A review committee will be accessing and reviewing abstracts after the deadline.  You will receive an email notification in mid-April advising whether your abstract has been accepted for an oral or poster presentation.

Please note that unless you indicate a preference for a poster presentation, decisions regarding oral and poster presentations are made by the ASM Planning Committee.  Any submission may be rejected.

Requests to withdraw an abstract should be sent to

Submit Here

Abstract submissions are closed for 2025.

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